What Is Slipper Clutch And How Do They Work?

What Is Slipper Clutch And How Do They Work?

A clutch is one of the crucial components in a motorcycle that allows the rider to engage and disengage the bike’s transmission and change gears. However, when a rider is shifting to a lower gear, the rider can feel the reduced force. This can be quite risky when you are riding on a higher gear and need to move down multiple gears at once.

The slipper clutch was introduced to reduce this problem and has become a prominent feature in several bikes. It was prominently found in high-end superbikes, but recently several bikes under 400cc also include the feature. In this blog, we will further explore what is slipper clutch, its benefits, and more.

A] What Is a Slipper Clutch?

While shifting the gear down the force is transmitted through the chain to the rear wheel. This usually causes a lot of back-torque and could lead to the rider losing balance. The primary use of a slipper clutch is to reduce the back torque and keep the rear wheel spinning. 

The slipper clutch reduces the pressure on the clutch disks during gear shifts. This allows the rider to shift down multiple gears at once without feeling the torque. The reduced torque prevents the rear wheels from locking up and improves safety. 

B] Benefits Of Slipper Clutch In Bikes

  • Better Control: Quick downshifts can sometimes disrupt the rider’s balance and even lock the rear wheel, hampering control and handling. The Slipper clutch prevents the rear wheel from locking by allowing the rear wheel to move freely during the transmission of power. This improves the rider’s control and safety from downshifting. We encourage you to buy helmets online in India and helmet Bluetooth headsets to stay protected on the road.
  • Reduced Effect Of Engine Braking: Generally engine braking may not affect your bike in the short run, however, continuous engine braking can negatively impact the bike’s braking system, engine, and clutch. A slipper clutch can reduce the sudden force on the bike, improving its longevity. 
  • Smoother Ride: Traditional clutches often cause back-torque when shifting gears. In rare cases, the engine seizes or the transmission fails and can completely jam the rear wheel, which can be dangerous. The slipper clutch does not have this problem and engages and disengages the clutch smoothly, even in case transmission fails. This improves the riding experience and prevents sudden jerks when shifting gears. 
  • Reduced Gearbox Wear And Tear: Slipper clutch creates controlled spillage and prevents the clutch plates from rubbing against each other, this reduces the stress on the gearbox; thus, improving the bike’s longevity.
  • Faster Speed And Reaction Time: When riders need to make an emergency turn, they need to quickly downshift multiple gears. Traditional clutches can not handle this and may cause the rider to lose balance. However, the slipper clutch can help riders turn at a higher gear and brake later without much back torque. Here is a guide to help you with downshifting: How to Match Rev Downshift.
  • Better Posture: The fear of accidental downshifts can cause riders to ride in a tucked posture. This can lead to many health problems in the future. However, by preventing downshifts, the slipper clutch allows the riders to focus on their posture.

C] Types Of Slipper Clutch In Bike

1. Mechanical Slipper Clutches

Mechanical slipper clutches generally have a simple and reliable set-up as they only use ramps and balls to achieve the slip during high engine braking torque. Due to its simple design, it is the most common type of slipper clutch you will find in motorcycles. 

When the back-torque force is too high, the balls are pushed up the ramp, forcing the pressure plate to move away from the clutch. This ensures the plates slip against one another for a while and then go back to normal once the engine speed matches the wheels. Even though mechanical slipper clutches have a simple design, they require regular maintenance to ensure the balls and ramps are clean and lubricated.

2. Hydraulic Slipper Clutches

Unlike a mechanical slipper clutch, a hydraulic slipper clutch uses a hydraulic piston. This hydraulic piston helps to control the pressure on the clutch plates. If the bike detects an abrupt back-torque, the hydraulic pressure is built to counter the force, adjusting the clutch plate pressure. 

As compared to bikes with mechanical slipper clutches, bikes with hydraulic brakes offer a smoother riding experience. They are more complex and less common than a mechanical slip clutch. They are usually found in popular motorcycles for long road trips in India with higher cc. A reason why some riders prefer bikes with hydraulic slipper clutch is that they do not need regular maintenance.

3. Electromagnetic Slipper Clutches

Electromagnetic slipper clutches are a new technology that uses an electromagnetic coil to achieve the slip effect. The system reacts quickly to the shift in the torque and allows the clutch plates to slide against each other with the help of electromagnetic force. The electromagnetic slip makes the engaging and disengaging process smooth and precise.

The electromagnetic slipper clutches are very new and are at an experimental level; hence, it is quite rare to see them on the road. It is a very complex system and more advanced than mechanical or hydraulic slipper clutches.

D] How Does A Slipper Clutch Work In a Bike?

A slipper clutch is meant to modify the connection between the gearbox and the engine. Traditional clutch’s surface is flat and when they experience back-torque, they cause friction. Normally, the clutch drives the motorcycle forward. However, during quick deceleration, the torque forces the ramps together.

The ramps and balls in the slipper clutch slide up on each other to absorb the excess force during this. This creates some space between the base of the clutch and the hub. The slipper clutch absorbs the entire force created by the torque by practically disengaging. If this was not the case, the friction generated by the clutch could make the rider lose balance and even impact the engine and the gearbox.

E] How To Maintain Bikes With Slipper Clutch?

As most bikes use mechanical slipper clutches, maintaining them at regular intervals becomes a crucial part of their upkeep. Best practices involve, reading the manufacturer’s guidelines and adhering to them. A typical slipper clutch maintenance involves, disassembling, cleaning, and lubricating them. If you notice any unusual wear and tear in the friction plate or any other component, you must replace the part at once. 


Slipper clutches enable a smooth and safe riding experience for motorcycle enthusiasts. Earlier, they were only found in high-end bikes, however, with time most bikes under 400cc have also incorporated them. They might seem a bit costly at first, but they can save you a lot in the long run by improving your bike and its component’s longevity.

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