The Complete Guide To A Safe Motorcycle Night Ride

The Complete Guide To A Safe Motorcycle Night Ride

Riding your motorcycle in the dark of the night with the moon and stars above you and cold wind hitting your face is a surreal experience. It is safe to say that most motorcycle enthusiasts have motorcycle night riding on their bucket list. While night riding is a thrilling and exciting experience, it also has a lot of risks associated with it. 

Apart from the obvious issue of low visibility, there are also the issues of bugs splattering, silent roads, nocturnal animals and more. If you are planning a motorcycle night ride, it is important to prepare before the sun goes down and have the right equipment. This blog will provide you with essential tips for making your ride safer and enjoyable. 

A] Preparing For Your Night Ride 

1. Choosing The Right Gear

The low light conditions of the night create a dangerous environment for a rider. You may not be visible to other riders in the dark, which increases the chances of collisions. Choosing appropriate bike riding gear is crucial to increase your visibility on the road at night.

Even though black coloured gear might look cool, you must avoid it for a night motorcycle ride. Bright-coloured gears with reflective patches are the best option for night riding. Using reflective tapes and reflective wheel strips on your motorcycle can further increase your visibility.

Here are some recommended clothing and accessories for night riding to make your ride safer:

2. Inspecting Your Motorcycle 

Routine inspection and maintenance of a motorcycle is important to avoid breakdowns, oil leakage, clunking sounds, unexpected light failure etc. This is especially important when riding motorcycles at night.

Improper inspections and maintenance can lead to a host of safety risks for the rider. And if your bike breakdowns, while on the road at night, it is difficult to get help or find a mechanic, causing more inconveniences.

Here is a list of crucial motorcycle components that need your attention before riding a motorcycle at night:

a. Tires And Wheels

Check your tires for scratches and holes and replace them if you find any. Inflate the tires to the accurate pressure that is listed on the side of the tire so you don’t face a flat tire on an empty road.

b. Brakes

Brakes are a crucial safety component of a bike. You must test both the front and rear brakes before beginning your journey. If the brake disk is worn out and is less than a quarter of its original size, you must get it replaced. Break fluids must also be changed once every two years.

c. Cranks And Chain

The crank and chain are responsible for transferring the power generated by the engine to the wheels. Check if the chain is rust-free. The chain and crank should be properly lubricated and the bolts should not be loose.

d. Fuel Tank

Check your fuel before you leave for the ride. Running out of fuel in a remote area at night can be a scary thought, make sure to have a full tank. Also, carry an additional can of fuel so uncertain motorcycle ride at night.

e. Lights

Check all of your bike’s lights are functioning properly, including the headlights, taillights, turn signals, and brake lights. Your bike’s headlights might not be strong enough to provide illumination during midnight, it is advisable to attach additional LED lights. Fog is also prevalent during motorcycle riding at night; hence you should also invest in good quality, either yellow or white fog lights. You can check out our guide on yellow vs. white fog lights, to choose the one that suits your needs.

f. Suspension

Check if the suspension system of your bike is functioning as intended. Get your front and rear suspension serviced before your trip for a safe and comfortable ride.

g. Engine

If your engine has any issues, get it fixed to avoid breakdowns in the middle of the night. Engine breakdowns can be costly and very troublesome, so it is better to prevent such mishaps.

h. Riding Gear

Make sure to inspect your riding gear including your helmet, visor, jacket, gloves, and boots. A helmet must be switched after three to five years or after an accident. The riding gear should be of high quality and safety-certified. ISI, DOT, and ECE 22.05 are some of the safety certifications you should look for while buying your gear.

3. Planning Your Route

Riding at night is very different from day-time riding as the visibility is low and there aren’t as many people on the road to help you. As a result, it is crucial that you plan your route and learn about the terrain, curves, and turns to minimise the risk of getting lost.

You can take assistance from Google Maps and Google Earth to plan the optimal route. Do research about the area and avoid any roads that are prone to accidents or any other types of mishaps. Make sure to choose roads that are well-lit and have restaurants, hotels, and petrol pumps along the way.

B] Riding Techniques for Night

1. Maintaining Focus

When riding at night, it is very easy to feel drowsy. Feeling sleepy while riding your motorcycle can be dangerous and risky to your life and the lives of others. It is crucial to maintain your focus while riding and pay attention to every sign and object along the road.

Avoid heavy meals before riding as that can make you drowsy. Sugary foods also have the same effects. Stay hydrated, eat a light but filling meal for dinner, and have plenty of rest to feel energetic and stay focused. 

2. Safe Speed and Distance

When riding at night motorcycle speed should be below the recommended speed limit. While driving at high speeds through empty night roads can be tempting, you need to be more careful during night rides. Many objects on the road can be hidden in the dark and your headlights might not be strong enough to detect them in time. 

Braking at high speeds is dangerous as it can make you lose your balance. Many animals such as deer roam on silent roads and freeze when they see your headlights. It is better to stay at a safe distance and drive at the suggested speed limits in India, so you can pull the brakes in time.

3. Dealing with Glare

Glare from oncoming traffic can temporarily blind you, making your journey more challenging and hazardous. To stay safe in such situations, drive slowly and stick to one side of the road. Use high-visibility jackets and tapes to let others know where you are. 

Use high-quality anti-glare visors on your helmet and make sure to keep it clean. A good-quality helmet visor with a scratch-resistant design and dust and dirt-repelling coating can go a long way to make your ride safer. 

4. Group Riding Safety

It is always safer to ride in a group than riding solo, especially at night. Your riding partners can help you learn how to navigate at night and teach you multiple valuable skills. You should always communicate with your group while riding to make sure everyone knows when and where to turn and stop or if there are any dangers ahead. It is crucial to know the motorcycle hand signals to effectively communicate even when riding.

A riding group can also help you get up and get the right treatment in case of an accident. Take a look at our blog on things to do when a fellow motorcyclist has had an accident, to make yourself proficient in first aid and accident protocols.

5. Handling Adverse Weather

Bad weather is one of the biggest reasons why riders avoid night riding. Fog and mist are more prevalent at night compared to daytime, further obscuring visibility. Rain can also reduce visibility and friction on the road. 

You must have high-quality rain gear to stay dry and comfortable and be able to focus on the road. Check your fog lights before you begin your journey. Prepare for the type of weather you are expecting, pack gloves and jackets during cold weather. In summer, you can remove the liner from your jacket to reduce the temperature.

6. Carry Essential Tools

Riding a motorcycle at night can be unpredictable; hence, you must carry essential tools that will help you in tight situations. Essential tools include a tire repair kit, flashlight, screws and screwdriver. Duct tapes, chain maintenance tools, and spare bulbs for headlights and fog lights can help in unforeseen events. 

A fully charged power bank can be helpful for times when your phone’s battery is low. It is also safe to carry a basic first-aid kit with bandages, cotton gauges, and anti-septics. Carry a bottle of water and some light snacks for when you feel tired or hungry.


While motorcycle night rides are a surreal experience, it is also more dangerous. Hence, maintaining riding safety becomes paramount. Incorporating the tips and techniques mentioned above can make your ride safer and more enjoyable. 

Plan your journey in advance and prepare for the weather, terrain, and other conditions. Carry all the required tools and items as mentioned above to avoid being lost or stranded in the middle of the night. Only use the best-quality biking gear to stay protected in case of accidents or unforeseen conditions. Visit Bikester Global Shop today to get premium brands and the best motorcycle riding products at the best prices.

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