Bike Maintenance Tips To Ensure Your Bike’s Long Life

Bike Maintenance Tips To Ensure Your Bike’s Long Life

Regular bike maintenance can ensure every ride feels as smooth as the first one, regardless of whether you use your bike for daily commuting, weekend riding, or touring. Just like any other machinery, your bike also needs to be regularly serviced to keep everything running smoothly.

We understand that for many hardcore bike enthusiasts, their bike is like their child and you would want the best for your child. A well-maintained bike will not just ensure a smooth ride, but will also save you a lot of money in the long run and maximize your safety. Follow the bike maintenance tips and tricks provided below to optimize your riding experience and your bike’s longevity.

Bike Maintenance Tips, Tricks & Techniques

1. Regularly Change The Engine Oil

The engine oil plays a crucial role in your riding experience as well as your bike engine’s health. The engine oil is used for lubricating the engine pistons and keep it cool. As you continue riding, the engine oil starts to burn out. Resulting in decreased lubrication and the formation of a black sludge which makes the oil impure.

Dirty engine oil and lack of lubrication can lead to untimely wear and tear to the engine. Hence, you must regularly check the quality and quantity of oil in your engine. Clean the engine if there are impurities and change the oil.

2. Keep tires In Top Condition

Cuts and scratches on tires can lead to skidding and loss of balance. Also, tires do wear out with every ride and can lose their grip on the road. Ensure your tires always have optimum air pressure and the treads are in the desired condition.

You can find out the required tire pressure for your bike in the bike manual or at your local service center. A tire with low pressure or scratches is more likely to burst which will cost more to replace and is a huge safety risk.

3. Clean Air Filters Are A Must

Regularly cleaning the air filters is a vital part of two-wheeler maintenance. Dust and debris can frequently get stuck in the filter, which is natural. However, too many pollutants can interfere with engine combustion and lead to engine damage.

As a result, if you want your engine to stay in optimum condition, you need to regularly clean your air filters. You must also change the air filter at regular intervals to avoid using damaged filters. Invest in high-quality air filters, such as BMC Air Filter For KTM Duke & BMC Air Filter FM01057 For Yamaha. This will ensure a smooth riding experience. 

4. Chains Should Be Clean And Lubricated

Without a properly working chain, all of your engine’s power is going to be wasted. As most modern bikes do not have chain covers they are exposed to the elements while you take your bike on a spin. An unlubricated chain increases friction and abrasion and leads to unpredicted breakdowns. 

To clean your bike chain at home, you need to clean it with a soft cloth and wash it with paraffin. Using water on the bike’s chain can cause corrosion, so never do that. You can use engine oil to re-lubricate your bike engine after cleaning. Once done, let the chain flow to inspect if it gets stuck somewhere.

5. Optimize The Brake

You need to put extra care into your brakes to ensure they are working at their best. Take your bike for a ride on an empty road to test your brakes. The bike must stop at the right distance when applying brakes. There must not be any screeching sounds and the brake levers shouldn’t be too tight or too loose either. 

If you notice any screeching sounds, you should immediately lubricate the brakes or replace your brake pads. Generally, you should change the brake oil every two months. If there is still an issue, you should take it to the mechanic at the earliest.

6. Follow The Bike Manual

When you buy your bike, you should receive a manual along with it. Do not throw away this manual, instead take time to read it. Your bike’s manual holds crucial information about your bike and how to properly service it.

It will contain all sorts of information about your bike, such as what type of oil you must use, the optimum tire pressure, the frequency of oil changes, how to ride it properly, and how to clean each part. It can also help you ensure a smooth and safe riding experience.

7. Regular Service Is Required

Servicing your bike every 5-6 months should be part of your routine. A professional at your local bike service center can help you detect and fix a wide range of issues that may occur with your bike. A professional can figure out issues way earlier than anyone else. 

Make sure to mention any problems you face with your bike, including getting new lights for motorcycles. If you have a designated service center for your bike brand, it would be best to visit that particular outlet.

8. Keep It Clean

We understand that cleaning your bike after every ride might not be possible, but you should at least clean your bike every week. Dust and debris along with water can create mud deposits on your bike. This can not only reduce its aesthetic appeal but also cause corrosion.

When you wash your bike, make sure to follow the user manual to do it the right way. Covering electrical components, the engine, the chain, and the silencer opening while you wash is also a good idea. Use an appropriate cleaning agent and a soft cloth to scrub the bike’s frame thoroughly.

9. Adjust The Clutch

Every rider needs to hold and release the clutch every few minutes to change gears. Similar to tire pressure, every bike has a different clutch adjustment. If your bike’s clutch is too stiff, it can be difficult to pull when changing gears. Suddenly applying the clutch can also cause you to lose balance.

Improper clutch adjustment can hinder your riding experience and can be dangerous. It can also negatively affect your fuel efficiency. To adjust the clutch, you need to turn the adjusting nut to obtain the specified free play.

10. Take Care Of The Battery 

The bike’s battery is responsible for the electric start button, lights, indicator, horn, and all the other electrical features. If you do not take care of the battery, you can face trouble starting your bike and using its electrical features.

Make sure all the wires are connected properly and there are no loose ends. You should also know how to charge a bike battery properly. Also, ensure the battery has enough distilled water. If you are not going to ride your bike for a long time, make sure that the battery is disconnected and stored properly. 

11. Learn How To Park Properly

Parking properly can also help you to keep your bike in good condition. If you park your bike directly under the sun, the heat and harsh UV rays can damage your bike’s paintwork. This will lead to your bike losing its charm and luster over time. It can also slowly deplete your fuel, reducing your overall mileage.

Improper parking can also lead to uneven pressure on a certain side of your bike. Your bike is also at a risk of falling which can damage your bike’s paint and internal parts. This can lead to cracks in the headlights.

12. Avoid Rash Driving

Driving your bike too fast for a very long time or every time can cause severe issues with your bike’s engine and battery. Avoiding rash driving is not just about your bike’s performance but also about your safety and the safety of others. Avoid rash driving at all costs. 

Follow traffic rules by riding at an appropriate speed, do not drive in the opposite directions, do not try to overtake when there is no safe way of doing so, and always remember to wear your bike riding gear full set.

13. Take Tips From Experienced Riders

If you are a part of a motorcycle riding group, you can get valuable advice from experienced riders about keeping your bike in optimal condition. If you are a new rider, it is a good idea to know about how to maintain your bike.

They can help you learn how to ride properly and fix problems on your own. You can also learn which engine oil to use, when to change brake pads, and how to check tire pressure.


A well-maintained bike will not only last you a very long time but also require less maintenance over the years. Regular bike maintenance includes a thorough inspection of all the components and changing and repairing of parts and consumables.

Follow the above motorcycle maintenance tips as a checklist to ensure bike safety on the road. Also, it is a good riding habit to invest in quality bike parts, consumables, and riding gear. To find good-quality riding gear and bike parts at a reasonable price, visit Bikester Global Shop today.

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